AbstractThe proposed formation of [CH3C(OH)OCH2]+˙ (b) as the intermediate in the isomerization [CH2C(OH)OCH3]+˙ (c)⇄b⇄[CH3COOCH3]+˙ (c has been confirmed by preparation of b from CH3COOCH2OCH3. For the three isomers a–c the dominant metastable ion (MI) dissociation, CH3O˙ loss, involves identical kinetic energy release values. The kinetic barriers for a⇄b and b⇄c must be nearly as high as that for CH3O˙ loss from c, as shown by the insensitivity of the mass spectra from collisionally activated dissociation (CAD) of a–c to ionizing electron energy. The H/D scrambling of metastable [CH2C(OD)OCH3]+˙ and c–D3 ions confirm this, indicating that the barrier for a⇄b is slightly below that for b⇄c. Minor low‐energy dissociations include losses of CH4 and CH3OH from a and losses of ˙CHO and CH2O from b. Comparison of MI and CAD spectra of a–c with those from [CH3(OH)CH2O]+˙ (d) and [CH3COCH2OH]+˙ (e) give no evidence for skeletal rearrangement of a–c to d or e.
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