The goal of this study was to document the toxic effects of aflatoxin B1 (AfB1) on the testis, epididymis, liver, and kidneys of adult male rats, and to employ camel milk as a natural antidote to neutralize these effects. For these purposes, 120 adult male Wister rats (90 days old) were divided into four groups (30 males each); control (C) group (drinking water was supplied), Cm group (camel milk was supplied at 10ml/kg bw/day), Af group (AfB1 was supplied at 0.3mg/kg bw/day), and CmAf group (combination treatment were supplied). The males were weighed and sacrificed on days 21 and 42 of the treatment to evaluate the histological changes of the liver, kidneys, testes, and epididymis. The body weight and testicular, epididymal, prostate, and seminal vesicle weights in the Af group decreased significantly, however this was improved in AfCm group. At day 21, histological findings of AF group revealed a decline of testicular germ layers and spermatogenesis arrest, necrotic and degenerative changes of hepatocytes and renal tubules, epididymal epithelial hyperplasia with cytoplasmic vacuolation, and depletion of sperms from the epididymis' lumen. At day 42, the severity of the histopathological changes were time-dependet. At both experimental periods, AfCm group reported substantial reduction in the degree of germ epithelium with normal seminiferous tubules epithelia with active spermatogenesis, necrosis of some hepatocytes beside infiltration of some inflammatory cells, most glomeruli and tubules were normal but some with sloughing tubular epithelia, and normal epididymalpseudostratified columnar epithelium with sperms in the lumen.
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