Three strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cultivars Rainier, Totem and Selva were grown under greenhouse conditions in a Parkhill sandy loam soil with a background DTPA-extractable Cd concentration of 0.18 mg kg-1 and a pH of 5.1. Experimental treatments included combinations of 4 Cd applications (0, 15, 30 and 60 mg Cd kg-1 soil) applied as CdSO4 and 2 soil pH values 5.1 and 6.8. Both the application of Cd and pH of the soil significantly affected plant growth, yield and Cd accumulation in plant tissue anf fruit. Although roots accumulated the highest concentrations of Cd of all plant parts investigated, increased soil Cd application reduced leaf weight more than root weight. In general, yield of strawberries was decreased by an increase in amount of soil-applied Cd, however the yield response varied among cultivars. At 60 mg Cd kg-1 soil, yield of Rainier cultivar was reduced to 17.6% of control plants. Over 90% of total Cd taken up by plants grown in Cd-treated soil accumulated in roots, regardless of the Cd level in the soil. Root Cd concentrations ranged from 2.6 mg kg-1 (control plants) to 505.7 mg kg-1 (Totem plants grown in soil at highest Cd and a soil pH 5.1) and were directly related to soil Cd concentrations. Cd translocation from roots to leaves and fruit was very limited, resulting in a maximum Cd concentration in root leaf tissue of 10.2 mg kg-1. Accumulation of Cd in fruit was found to correlate well with leaf Cd, although even at the highest amount of applied Cd, fruit Cd concentration did not exceed 700 μg kg-1 of fresh weight.