The synchrotron emission from plasma electrons having an isotropic Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution has been numerically computed as a function of electron temperature, radiation frequency, and the angle between the radiation propagation vector and the magnetic field. The total emission at high temperatures from a cylindrical plasma volume was found to be greater than earlier estimates of others valid at lower temperatures due to contributions at frequencies higher than the critical frequency at which the plasma becomes semitransparent. The increase is temperature dependent. For a 10-m-diameter plasma the increase for a typical plasma is 32% at an electron temperature of 20 keV and rises to 140% at 200 keV electron temperature. The effect of reflectors in diminishing the loss of radiated energy is very much reduced at high temperatures. If r is the over-all microwave reflectivity of the material walls surrounding the plasma, the loss is diminished approximately by (1 − r)0.8 for kT = 10 keV, by (1 − r)0.1 for kT = 200 keV.