We report a computational study of isophorone C9H14O adsorption on a Ag(001)-supported ultrathin MgO film with Au adatoms and clusters employing density functional theory calculations. The calculations show that the keto form of isophorone is more stable than the enol tautomers both in gas phase and on the MgO/Ag(001) surface. The interaction between the keto isophorone and step and terrace sites of MgO/Ag(001) displays long interaction distances, relatively weakly exothermic adsorption energies, lack of charge transfer, and minor changes in the density of states, all of which indicate that the molecule merely physisorbs on the surface. The step sites are energetically preferred adsorption sites due to attractive electrostatic interaction between more exposed Mg2+ cations and the polar O=C bond in isophorone. The adsorption on the step sites is 0.6 to 0.8 eV more exothermic compared with terrace sites. The calculations suggest that isophorone can chemisorb on MgO/Ag(001) surface but requires the presence ...
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