Duoculture has been reported to increase growth rates of some fishes when reared in combination, due to "shading" effects between the species. Two experiments, one involving outdoor cage-rearing in a reservoir, and the other, indoor tank-rearing, were conducted within each of three temperatures ranges (means of ~18.0°C, ~22.0°C and ~26.5°C), to determine whether duoculture of bluegill (BG) Lepomis macrochirus and yellow perch (YP) Perca flavescens would lead to improved growth relative to when the two species were reared separately. Juvenile bluegill and yellow perch were reared in triplicated groups each involving monoculture sets of 100% BG and 100% YP, and a duoculture set of 50% BG + 50% YP. Experiments in cages (Exp. 1) ran for 150 days while those in tanks ran for 126 days (Exp. 2). In Experiment 1, bluegill exhibited significantly greater (P<0.05) mean weight (P<0.05) in duoculture than in monoculture, under the high summer-like range of temperature (~26.5°C) over most of the experiment, whereas yellow perch showed no significant difference in mean weight in duoculture versus monoculture. By the end of a 150-d experiment, bluegill in duoculture outweighed those in monoculture by 62.5%. In Experiment 2, yellow perch in duoculture grew significantly larger than in monoculture (P<0.05) under the warm thermal regime (mean of ~22°C), while no significant differences were detected in mean weight of bluegill in monoculture versus duoculture. Yellow perch in duoculture outweighed those in monoculture by 33.1% at the end of the experiment. Yellow perch performed better in duoculture than in monoculture under the low thermal regime (mean of ~18°C) in both experiments. A significantly greater reduction of CVwt was observed for both bluegill and yellow perch in duoculture than in monoculture in Experiment 1, while no differences in CVwt reduction were detected for bluegill in Experiment 2. Feed conversion ratios (FCR) of bluegill and yellow perch reared in duoculture were significantly lower than for both fishes reared in monoculture in Experiment 1, while there were no significant differences in FCR among the three groups throughout most of Experiment 2. Findings indicate that duoculture of yellow perch and bluegill holds good potential to improve growth and FCR, and to reduce size variation by diminishing social interaction costs.
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