The fundamental diversity-multiplexing tradeoff of the three-node, multi-input, multi-output (MIMO), quasi-static, Rayleigh faded, half-duplex relay channel is characterized for an arbitrary number of antennas at each node and in which opportunistic scheduling (or dynamic operation) of the relay is allowed, i.e., the relay can switch between receive and transmit modes at a channel dependent time. In this most general case, the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff is characterized as a solution to a simple, two-variable optimization problem. This problem is then solved in closed form for special classes of channels defined by certain restrictions on the numbers of antennas at the three nodes. The key mathematical tool developed here that enables the explicit characterization of the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff is the joint eigenvalue distribution of three mutually correlated random Wishart matrices. Besides being relevant here, this distribution result is interesting in its own right. Previously, without actually characterizing the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff, the optimality in this tradeoff metric of the dynamic compress-and-forward protocol based on the classical compress-and-forward scheme of Cover and El Gamal was shown by Yuksel and Erkip. However, this scheme requires global channel state information at the relay. In this paper, the so-called quantize-map and forward (QMF) coding scheme is adopted as the achievability scheme with the added benefit that it achieves optimal tradeoff with only the knowledge of the (channel dependent) switching time at the relay node. Moreover, in special classes of the MIMO half-duplex relay channel, the optimal tradeoff is shown to be attainable even without this knowledge. Such a result was previously known only for the half-duplex relay channel with a single antenna at each node, also via the QMF scheme. More generally, the explicit characterization of the tradeoff curve in this study enables the in-depth comparisons herein of full-duplex versus half-duplex relaying as well as static versus dynamic relaying, both as a function of the numbers of antennas at the three nodes.
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