The purpose of the study: to study the links between the dynamics of the subject's professional development throughout the working life and the conditions of the social environment, which are updated as resources. Hypotheses: 1. The conditions of the social environment, updated as resources at different stages of the subject's professional development, can change the strength of influence and valency (sign). 2. In different professional fields, environmental conditions as resources of the subject differ. 3. Individuals with different success of the “vertical career” have different environmental conditions as the resources of the subject. 4) The connections between the dynamics of formation and updated resources are different for representatives of fields of activity with a “high” and “flat hierarchy” of job promotion. The author's technique “Dynamics of professional life style” was used. Respondents assessed in points — from 0 to 8 — the conditions of the social environment as “professionalism factors”, the dynamics of their professionalism from 20 to 65 years (retrospectively and prospectively), recorded their socio-demographic and service-official characteristics. 567 people were interviewed — 306 men and 261 women aged 30–50 years — 132 civil servants, 221 managers, 129 engineers and heads of departments of industrial enterprises, 85 teachers holding positions from an ordinary specialist to a deputy minister). The features of the actualization of the conditions of the social environment as intersubjective and extrasubjective resources were analyzed; descriptive statistics, t-comparison for independent groups and multiple regression analysis (MRA), Forward method (direct) were used. Results. Representatives of the four groups (civil servants, engineers, managers, teachers) were similar in terms of their socio-demographic characteristics — by age (M = 40.7, SD = 9.8), work experience (M = 19.8, SD = 10.1), management experience (M = 7.7, SD = 8.7), 424 people. were married (75 %), the average number of children was 1.3; they held positions from an ordinary specialist to a deputy minister (in the questionnaire scores — from 3 to 8; M = 3.7, SD = 1.5); the characteristics of their parental family were also similar; their assessments of the subjective significance of environmental conditions as “professionalism factors” ranged from 0 to 8 for most of the analyzed variables. The dynamics of the professional development of the subject (PSS) was characterized by an increase in the level of professionalism up to 50 years and its subsequent decrease with moderate inter-individual variability, which differed among representatives of different professional groups. The environmental conditions updated by them differed more pronouncedly as resources from 20 to 65 years. Conclusions: 1. During the working life of a person, the conditions of the social environment are selectively updated as resources, at different stages of the formation of professionalism, they change the strength of influence and valence (sign). 2. The selective (and not total) impact of environmental conditions as resources differs among representatives of different professional fields, different social groups. 3. Representatives of fields of activity with a “high hierarchy” — a large number of positions of promotion (civil servants, engineers of industrial enterprises, managers of commercial organizations) and a “flat hierarchy” — a limited number of positions (teachers) have different connections between the dynamics of their professional development and the updated conditions environment as resources; such connections also differ among individuals with different success in the “vertical career” (specialists and managers).