Abstract The Federal Government has set in train important reforms to improve access to the labour market also for asylum seekers with a realistic perspective to stay and tolerated residents who are not the object of a work ban. Since ever more people are seeking protection in Germany against political persecution, war or expulsion, this is sensible and necessary. Not all, but many of them will stay in Germany for long periods or even forever. For those people, who have a realistic perspective to stay as recognized refugees or asylum seekers, it is in the own interest of the German society to integrate them rapidly and give them the possibility to earn their living. The reform package already set in place by the Federal Government within the last year will help to achieve this aim, but it is clear already, that there is further need for action. So that asylum seekers and tolerated residents can move successfully into the labour market, they must be supported and given targeted assistance, above all through corresponding measures for learning the language and integration. Especially early and comprehensive measures for the early identification of competencies, qualifications and work experience are needed to facilitate effective access especially to education, the dual vocational training system and employment. Furthermore, remaining legal obstacles regarding access to training and employment for asylum seekers and tolerated residents who are not the object of a work ban need to be further reduced. In addition, there is an urgent need to improve the cooperation of all public authorities involved in the asylum- and integration process as well as the capacity of the public employment service (employment agencies and job centers) to deal with the integration of refugees into the labour market.