The present study solves two problems in the evidence theory. The first problem is the belief entropies have rarely been exploited to induce a belief Jensen divergence family. We provide a solution by proposing two general paradigms, i.e. the “I-P-E” (Information theory-Probability theory-Evidence theory) and “E-E” (Evidence theory-Evidence theory) paradigms. Particularly, the “E-E” paradigm defines the first belief Jensen divergence family that is induced by belief entropies. The second problem is the “E-E” paradigm has rarely been generalized to multiple evidence-based belief Jensen divergences. We settle it by proposing a new Belief Jensen-PGDI (Pignistic Gini Deng Impurity) divergence as a gap filler. To ensure the divergence's feasibility in mathematics, we make two auxiliary works: the Enhanced Pignistic transformation is refined, and a new belief entropy called PGDI is constructed. Several axiomatic properties are also proven for the new divergence, guaranteeing its theoretical rigorousness. We successfully apply this divergence in two evidence fusion challenges, empirically verifying its practicality.