ABSTRACT: The A-type Paleoproterozoic Bannach Granite belongs to the Jamon Suite and cross-cut the Archean units of the Rio Maria Domain in the Carajas Province. It comprises eight facies with varied mafic content and texture: even-grained cumulate granite (CG), even coarse-grained biotite-amphibole monzogranite (cBAMz), even coarse-grained amphibole-biotite monzogranite (cABMz), porphyritic biotite monzogranite (pBMz), even coarse-grained leucomonzogranite (cLMz), early even medium-grained leucomonzogranite (EmLMz), late even medium-grained leucomonzogranite (LmLMz) and even fine-grained leucomonzogranite (fLMz). In the less evolved facies, the dominant amphibole is Fe-hornblende passing to Fe-edenite or hastingsite, with associated cummingtonite/grunerite originated from the destabilization of clinopyroxene. Biotite has ferroan composition and approaches annite in the late-emplaced leucomonzogranite. Plagioclase varies from andesine to oligoclase or from oligoclase to albite. Titanite, magnetite, and ilmenite are found in all granite facies showing magmatic origin. The near liquidus temperatures vary between 943oC and 795oC and the estimated emplacement pressure is 300 ± 50 MPa (~11.1 ± 1.9 km). Amphibole Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratios together with magmatic magnetite and titanite indicate that these granites crystallized at moderately oxidizing conditions, similar to those admitted for the Jamon granite and magnetite series granites of Laurentia. However, the composition of biotite suggests a more reduced character close to NNO to NNO -0.5. The late leucomonzogranite facies is an exception because it displays high Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratios in biotite and approaches to the reduced granites of Carajas, Laurentia and Fennoscandia in this regard. It derived from a more reduced source than the other facies of Bannach Granite.
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