Recent experiments have produced evidence for fractional quantum anomalous Hall (FQAH) states at zero magnetic field in the semiconductor moiré superlattice system tMoTe_{2}. Here, we argue that a composite fermion description, already a unifying framework for the phenomenology of 2D electron gases at high magnetic fields, provides a similarly powerful perspective in this new context. To this end, we present exact diagonalization evidence for composite Fermi liquid states at zero magnetic field in tMoTe_{2} at fillings n=1/2 and n=3/4. We dub these non-Fermi liquid metals anomalous composite Fermi liquids (ACFLs), and we argue that they play a central organizing role in the FQAH phase diagram. We proceed to develop a long wavelength theory for this ACFL state that offers concrete experimental predictions upon doping the composite Fermi sea, including a Jain sequence of FQAH states and a new type of commensurability oscillations originating from the superlattice potential intrinsic to the system.
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