Universal expectation has perhaps never been raised to such a pitch, wrote Prussian statesman, Frederick von Gentz, of Congress of Vienna assembled one hundred and twenty-eight years ago to bring peace to a Europe overrun by Napoleon Bonaparte. War-weary peoples looked forward to an reform of political system of Europe, to guarantees of universal peace; in a word, to the return of golden age. But real purpose of Congress was to divide amongst conquerors spoils taken from vanquished. Well might these words describe deep longings of peoples and objectives of most statesmen one hundred years later at Paris. And again, today, there is universal expectation of an all-embracing reform of political system, not of Europe alone but of entire world, which will herald a just and durable peace. Will hopes of peoples, especially of darker peoples, be realized or will Peace Congress convened at end of this global war have as its ulterior purpose division of spoils of vanquished and a return as near as possible to status quo ante belluu? What is meant when one refers to darker peoples of world? Such a reference is not confined to nearly thirteen million Negroes in United States, who so far as war aims are concerned are hardly taken into consideration, nor to millions of colored in Caribbean and in Central and South America. Rather, in addition to these groups, term must comprehend most of inhabitants of Africa, including those Islamic peoples of Mediterranean littoral and those natives south of Sahara Desert; 400,000,000 or more of India and Burma; Malaysians who inhabit Malay peninsula and archipelago, including former Netherlands East Indies; Chinese; Japanese; and, finally, Polynesians of Oceania and Melanesians, those Negroid inhabitants of islands of Central and Western Pacific, including Solomon Islands. All over world peoples of color are aroused, although in varying degrees, to Imperium of white nations. They are no longer willing to accept white man's exalted view of trusteeship; they no longer quake at teachings of white man's missionaries, who bring them white man's God but a God in whom white man does not believe; no longer are glass beads and trinkets marvelous to them; they are much more interested in marvels of white man's guns. Once colored races feared white man; today that fear has turned to secret contempt. Once they were filled with terror at white man's power; today they know that they themselves are power. Their past
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