It was certainly a colourful year in 2015 for the Asian Chemical Editorial Society (ACES) family. Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry received its first full (two-year) impact factor, recording a massive jump to 3.318,1 our new sister journal, ChemNanoMat, published their first issue in May, and throughout the year, Chemistry - An Asian Journal has been celebrating its tenth volume with great special issues. But even with all this success, there's always room for improvement, and improvements to our services for you are already here. One of the biggest changes that affects you, dear reader, also involves colour. Organic chemists have long been the butt of jokes about only being able to make white powder. But we organic chemists know differently. We know that organic chemistry is bursting with colour, not least with all those dyes for organic electronics applications, fluorescent sensors for all sorts of things, and probes that can light up even the darkest corner of a cell. But strangely, even among all these colours, our journal remained resolutely black and white. This, I'm pleased to say, is no longer. Yes, not before time, colour is now free for all in all of the ACES journals! The journal is now overflowing with colour like never before and, in turn, we hope to colour your world with the best chemistry out there. Another thing that we've taken another look at, with the help of our great editorial boards, is our templates. Let's face it, they make the submission look good, and referees tell us they like that by the way, but they're not the easiest thing to use. So we've changed them. They now have a simpler layout, things shouldn't jump around the place anymore, and we've made it easier for you to include large graphics. But the best thing about these templates is that they're uniform across all our sister journals, which means we have three templates, one for communications, one for full papers, and one for reviews, no matter which one of our sister journals you want to submit to. These may be small changes, but we aim to make big differences for you and your work. As well as the parts of the publication process that you do see, we're also working hard on the parts you don't. We already put our utmost efforts into processing papers and getting referee reports as quickly as possible, and this is one thing that I'm happy to say hasn't changed a bit. It sometimes takes a little while longer than we'd like, but if it does, rest assured we haven't forgotten you and we're monitoring, checking, and chasing all the time. Bear in mind though that we're also trying to be fair with the things we ask of our reviewers, and we are all extremely grateful to them for their invaluable contributions. We also know that you'd like us to be faster with the publication process after your paper is accepted. Therefore, we've now streamlined production to get you your galley proofs quicker and your paper online more rapidly. I hope you like all our new features and that you'll take advantage of them all when you submit your next paper to the Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry. On behalf of the team, I wish you a very happy, healthy, but above all, colourful new year. Dr. Richard Threlfall Editor-in-Chief