This editorial introduces the Special Issue on Deep Learning for Robust Human Body Language Understanding , hosted by the ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications in 2024. Human body language understanding has emerged as a critical research area, addressing challenges in analyzing, recognizing, and synthesizing multimodal human behavioral data such as gestures, poses, facial expressions . This Special Issue highlights recent advancements in deep learning techniques that enhance the robustness, scalability, and applicability of human body language understanding in diverse scenarios, including healthcare, education, and barrier-free human-computer interaction systems. The issue features a total of eight research articles focusing on key aspects of human body language understanding. These contributions are categorized into major research areas: gesture and sign language understanding , pose and action recognition , and facial expression and emotion analysis . Each article provides novel insights into challenges such as data scarcity, multimodal integration, adversarial robustness, and cross-modal generative modeling . We summarize the main contributions of the included works and emphasize their role in advancing the field of human body language understanding. Finally, we discuss ongoing challenges and future opportunities in this rapidly evolving domain, particularly in the context of integrating human-centric AI systems into real-world applications.
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