Meira Weiss. The Chosen Body: The Politics of Body in Israeli Society. Stanford University Press, 2002. pp. 232. Anthropological interest in Jewish bodies has historic roots in anthropometric measures used in German science between World Wars I and II to prove Jewish biological inferiority. Historian Sander Gilman, in The Jew's Body, traces efforts of pre-Nazi German science centuries back, referring, for example, to a medieval European physicians' correlation of Jews coming out of Africa black skinned due to syphilis, a condition shared with other Africans [1991:100]. Many sorts of others have been interested in scrutinizing Jewish bodies. The Jewish religion scrutinizes body. It requires male be circumcised at eight days of age. The religiously observant Jewish male follows a regimen of rituals prescribed by halacha, Jewish law, surrounding bodily functions. The Jewish female comes under Jewish law and ritual between first menstruation and menopause, subject to intense scrutiny by rabbinic authorities over issues of purity and pollution. Judaism is Israel's official state religion; in rites de passage, all Jewish citizens are subject to fundamentalist interpretation of halacha. In recent years, anthropological interest has focused on Israeli Jewish woman's body: Rahel Wasserfall on rules governing menstruation, Susan Kahn in Reproducing Jews on rules governing halachic interpretations for using modern technology to inseminate single and married women. Most recently, Susan Sered's What Makes Israeli Women Sick? analyzes reproductive body, militarized body, ritualized body, scrutinized and resisting to explain why Israeli women are far less healthy than Israeli men. The Chosen Body touches not at all on contexts cited above. Israel was born in 1948 in an uneasy balance of triumph and tragedy. It has existed in that perpetual uneasy balance, imposed and self-inflicted, since it was conceived as an idea in 19th century. Meira Weiss is an acknowledged member of socially privileged Ashkenazi sabra status group [native-born of European ancestry). She has devoted her professional life to dark, tragic side of Israeli life and culture. She looks at various ways in which the is constituted, and others, tragic non-chosen, are rejected. She conducts a special kind of participant-observation: she is a participant, an actor vested in system, perpetuating its darkness. She is an observer: using questionnaires to study different expressions of tragic in Israeli public and private life, collecting poems, newspaper articles, television and radio broadcasts and other cultural artifacts to illustrate her research interest. At times I wondered if, unintentionally, she got answers she expected to hear, if she asked loaded questions. The actor with vested interests is methodologically problematic. For this reason, examples of her questionnaires, and allowing those questioned to speak to us directly rather than through her voice, would have been appropriate. This is not an ethnographic account; it is more similar to cultural studies. Weiss traces Zionist story of historic origin of need for Jew for a new nation, physically distinct from weakling of Diaspora. She shows centrality of male in Israeli politic, a point made by psychologist Lesley Hazleton in her 1977 book, Israeli Women: The Reality Behind Myths. The difference between Weiss's focus and other feminist anthropologists writing about Israel is that they focused on impact of patriarchal on women. Weiss's focus is squarely on of idealized, perfectly formed, physically strong, young Israeli male of European ancestry. His is Jew for new nation, Chosen People's Chosen Body in modern state. Weiss traces impact of idealized male chosen on body politic in Israeli culture as a collectivity. …
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