The 1.74 ( J π = 0 1 +, T = 1) and 5.16 (2 2 +, 1) MeV states in 10B have been studied through the reaction 6Li(α, γ) 10B. The lifetimes τ m = 7 ± 3 and < 6 fs, respectively, have been obtained with the DSA method. The γ-ray decay scheme of the 5.16 MeV state has been revised and the ambiguous isoscalar E2 branch to the 1.74 MeV state has been clarified and shown to have an intensity of (0.7 ± 0.2)%. The angular distributions of γ-rays from the 5.16 MeV state have been measured and mixing ratios determined. The Ml transition 1.74(0 +, 1) → 0.72(1 +, 0) MeV is compared with the analogue β-decay from the ground state of 10C(0 +, 1) to the 0.72 MeV state and is discussed in terms of shell-model calculations. The E2 strength of the 5.16(2 +, 1) → 1.74(0 + 1) MeV isoscalar transition is compared with its analogues in the neighbouring T = 1 nuclei 10B and 10C in the light of isospin selection rules.