The hydroxysilylene (HSiOH) molecule has been spectroscopically identified in the gas phase for the first time. This highly reactive species was produced in a twin electric discharge jet using separate precursor streams of 16O2/18O2 and Si2H6/Si2D6, both diluted in high pressure argon. The strongest and most stable laser induced fluorescence (LIF) signals were obtained by applying an electric discharge to each of the precursor streams and then merging the discharge products just prior to expansion into vacuum. Bands of the Ã1A-X~1A' electronic transition of HSiOH were found in the 455-420nm region, and single vibronic level emission spectra showed only transitions attributable to the trans-hydroxysilylene ground state isomer. High resolution, rotationally resolved spectra were obtained for the 0-0 bands of HSi16OH and HSi18OH. The rotational constants were used to obtain ground and excited state molecular structures of HSiOH, with some necessary constraints. The derived ground state structure is trans-HSiOH, with geometric parameters similar to theoretical predictions from the literature. In the excited state, a skew-HSiOH structure was obtained with a dihedral angle of 102°. Our own CASSCF/aug-cc-pVTZ calculations predict a similar excited state skew geometry. The lack of odd quantum number changes in the torsional mode in emission and our difficulties in obtaining DSiOD spectra, despite considerable effort, all suggest that further experimental and theoretical efforts will be necessary to thoroughly understand the electronic spectrum of hydroxysilylene.
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