The parameters that determine the choice of the reactor are the reactor power, catalyst activity (intensity per unit volume), the total required amount of catalyst, the value of the adiabatic change in the temperature of the reaction mixture at complete conversion, the nature of the change in the reaction rate and selectivity with the depth of conversion, etc. the results of the theoretical optimization showed the need for the implementation of the process of partial oxidation of isobutylene to methylacrolein on an antimony-tin oxide catalyst in an isothermal reactor. To determine the optimal conditions for conducting the process on an antimony-tin catalyst, the choice of the type and main structural dimensions of the reactor for the partial catalytic oxidation of isobutylene to methylacrolein, we used the method of mathematical modeling, which is based on data on the rates of chemical transformation. To obtain quantitative characteristics, a series of experiments was carried out by influence of the composition of the reaction mixture and the rate of the oxidation of isobutylene to methylacrolein. The kinetic regularities of the process of catalytic oxidation of isobutylene to methylacrolein on an antimony-tin catalyst were recorded on a flow-type unit with a small volume reactor without a gradient. Reaching the stationary regime in this reactor occurs in 15–25 minutes
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