There are 17 sets of diagnosis/classification criteria for Behcet's disease: Curth (1946), Hewitt (1969), Mason (1971), Japan (1972), Hubault (1974), O'Duffy (1974), Cheng (1980), Dilsen (1986), Japan revised criteria (1988), International Study Group on Behcet's disease (ISG criteria, 1990), Iran traditional criteria (1993), Iran Classification Tree (1993), Dilsen revised criteria (2000), Korea Criteria (2003), International Criteria for Behcet's Disease (ICBD, 2006) and the revised ICBD (2010). This review is intended to show how to use them and show their performance in patients from different parts of the world. The major sets of patients (patient numbers, control numbers, year) on which the criteria were tested are: ISG set (886/97/1990), Iran (2069/1540/1993), Asia and Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology (APLAR: 216/145/1998), Russia (105/233/2000), USA (50/NA/2000 [NA: not available]), India (50/NA/2004), Singapore (37/NA/2004), China (98/NA/2004), Korea (1454/NA/2004), Iran (4900/2020/2004), ICBD (2556/1163/2006), Germany (86/38/2008), China (322/118/2008), Iran (6128/3400/2010) and Iran (7011/5226/2013). For the following criteria sets (O'Duffy, Dilsen, Japan revised, ISG, Korea, ICBD, revised ICBD), the sensitivity in ISG cohort was 82/95/93/91/NA/NA/NA%, in APLAR 62.5/75/73/72/NA/NA/NA%, in Russia 91/92/92/86/NA/NA/NA%, USA 88/85/82/76/NA/NA/NA%, ICBD 83/87/88/82/90/96/96%, China 64/71/66/65/85/87/NA% and in Iran (2013) 69.5/81/86/77.5/86/98/97%. Specificity in ISG was 83/79/89/96/NA/NA/NA%, in APLAR 98/96/99/99/NA/NA/NA%, in Russia 88/91/92/100/NA/NA/NA%, ICBD 95/91/92/96/93/89/91%, China 97.5/95/98/99/97/94/NA% and in Iran (2013) 99/95/98/99/98/96/97%. Accuracy in ISG was 82.5/87/91/93.5/NA/NA/NA%, in APLAR 80/85/86/86/NA/NA/NA%, in Russia 89.5/92/92/93/NA/NA/NA%, ICBD 87/88/89/87/91/94/94.5%, China 72/78/74/74/88/89/NA% and in Iran (2013) 82/87/91/87/91/97/97%. ISG criteria has very good specificity, but lacks good sensitivity and accuracy. In contrast, ICBD has much better sensitivity, a little less specificity and better accuracy.
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