Amidst the dramatic expansion of online shopping, wasted cardboard packaging has become a significant challenge in modern-day society. In this paper, we propose an innovative approach to address the issue of box packaging waste by efficiently selecting an optimal cardboard box for a set of items. Employing depth vision and deep learning classification techniques, the proposed system analyzes depth images to compute an optimal cuboid for unpackaged items while accounting for fragility characteristics. The system, facilitated by two Intel RealSense RGB-D cameras, first captures the overhead and sideview images to determine the dimensions of an unknown object. Then, the developed vision system utilizes averaging and morphological opening filters to denoise the acquired images, calculates the difference between the background image and object image, and employs thresholding by Otsu’s algorithm to find the minimum cuboid of the irregular object. After, a two-step deep learning model is used to determine the general category and characteristics of an object, considering factors, such as fragility, that may necessitate wrapping or separate packaging. Finally, a modified largest area first fit algorithm uses the outputted dimensions for irregular-shaped objects and packaged objects to determine the optimal fitting box from the standard Amazon box catalog. The computer simulation shows that the proposed method can be implemented in a cardboard packaging warehouse for optimal box selection, effectively minimizing cardboard waste.
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