Avon, Banks of the, near Hamilton. Shales in the first precipitous cliff, left bank of the Avon above the bridge. Neuropteris gigantea, N. Loshii, Sphenopteris Hibbertii, Lepidodendron obovatum, and Calamites. Baillieston. Springhill coal pits. Plants are very abundant in the roof shale, and in ironstone nodules above the Pyotshaw coal. Alethopteris heterophyllia, Cyclopteris dilatata, Neuropteris gigantea, Pecopteris dentata, Sphenopteris dilatata, S. Honinghausi, Asterophyllites longifolia, A. tuberculata, Calamites nodosus, Sphenophyllum Schlotheimii, Lepidostrobus pinaster, Trigonocarpum ovatum; fish spines in the shales of the Splint coal. Bellshill. Coal pits between Bellshill and Motherwell. Plant-remains in the roof of the Main, and fish remains in the roof of the Splint coals. Bello Water, 1 mile E. of Lugar Station. Anthracosia robusta form a bed 18 inches in thickness. Carmyle. Coal pit near Carmyle Mill. Ferns in an arenaceous shale, and Gyracanthus formosus, Pleuracanthus gibbosus, Pleurodus, and Ctenoptychius pectinatus, in a bituminous shale, overlying the Splint coal. Carnbroe. Ironstone pit, No. 10. The roof shale of the Palace Craig ironstone contains Pholaderpeton, Pteroplax cornuta, Anthracosaurus Russelli, Loxomma Allmannii, Megalichthys Hibberti, M. coccolepis, M. rugosus, Acanthodes Wardii, Rhomboptychius, Strepsodus sauroides, Rhizodopsis minor, R. major, Gyracanthus formosus, G. tuberculatus, Pleuracanthus gibbosus, Ctenacanthus major, Cladodus, Ctenodus cristatus, C. tuberculatus; also several species of Lepidostrobus, Anthrapalaemon Grossarti, and Anthracosia. Mr. James Thomson has found in this bed three palatal teeth, Pleurodus Rankinii, P. affinis, and a Helodus embedded together in a mass of shagreen. Castlehill, 1 mile N. of Carluke. Coal pits. The remains of between thirty and forty This 250-word extract was created in the absence of an abstract