The in vivo gene silencing potencies of lipid nanoparticle (LNP)-siRNA systems containing the ionizable cationic lipids DLinDAP, DLinDMA, DLinKDMA, or DLinKC2-DMA can differ by three orders of magnitude. In this study, we examine the uptake and intracellular processing of LNP-siRNA systems containing these cationic lipids in a macrophage cell-line in an attempt to understand the reasons for different potencies. Although uptake of LNP is not dramatically influenced by cationic lipid composition, subsequent processing events can be strongly dependent on cationic lipid species. In particular, the low potency of LNP containing DLinDAP can be attributed to hydrolysis by endogenous lipases following uptake. LNP containing DLinKC2-DMA, DLinKDMA, or DLinDMA, which lack ester linkages, are not vulnerable to lipase digestion and facilitate much more potent gene silencing. The superior potency of DLinKC2-DMA compared with DLinKDMA or DLinDMA can be attributed to higher uptake and improved ability to stimulate siRNA release from endosomes subsequent to uptake. From the Clinical EditorThis study reports on the in vivo gene silencing potency of lipid nanoparticle-siRNA systems containing ionizable cationic lipids. It is concluded that the superior potency of DLinKC2-DMA compared with DLinKDMA or DLinDMA can be attributed to their higher uptake thus improved ability to stimulate siRNA release from endosome.