Let G be a locally compact group with a left invariant Haar mneasure p. Then one can construct two involutive Banach algebras L -(G, /A) anld Ll(G. a) associated with G, and the former is the conjugate space of the latter as Banach space. By the terminology of group algebra, one has been expressing the algebra L1(G p), and then one's main attention has been traditionally concentrated only on L'(G, u). It should be, however, pointed out that there is a remarkable duality between them not only as Banach spaces but also as Banach algebras. For example, taking an arbitrary pair f, g in the IHilbert space L2(G,u), which may be regarded as a neutral space in the duality between L1 (G, K) and LX (G, p), the product fg belonigs to L1 (G, ,) and the convolution f $ y belongs to LX (G, 4), where v and g' are given by y(s) g(s) and g' (s) = g (s-1). Moreover, in the study of Tatsuuma duality theorem in [29], the duality property between Ll (G,,u) and L(G, u) is implicitly used and plays important r3le. To emphasize the importanec of the duality system {L1 (G, ), LX (G, u) }, let us assunme G abelian for a little while. Then the spectrum of Ll (G, u) forms a locallv compact abelian group G with the normalized dual Haar measure ji, which is called the dual group of G. The Fourier transform 5 carries the algebra Ll (G, u) with the convolution into the algebra L(G, A) with the multiplication. Conversely, the Fourier inverse transfornm 5 carries
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