Finding matrix representations is an important part of operator theory. Calculating such a discretization scheme is equally important for the numerical solution of operator equations. Traditionally in both fields, this was done using bases. Recently, frames have been used here. In this paper, we apply fusion frames for this task, a generalization motivated by a block representation, respectively, a domain decomposition. We interpret the operator representation using fusion frames as a generalization of fusion Gram matrices. We present the basic definition of U-fusion cross Gram matrices of operators for a bounded operator U. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for their (pseudo-)invertibility and present explicit formulas for the (pseudo-)inverse. More precisely, our attention is on how to represent the inverse and pseudo-inverse of such matrices as U-fusion cross Gram matrices. In particular, we characterize fusion Riesz bases and fusion orthonormal bases by such matrices. Finally, we look at which perturbations of fusion Bessel sequences preserve the invertibility of the fusion Gram matrix of operators.