From 31 May to 1 June 2010, serious super high precipitation multi-cells caused convectional rainstorm in central region of Guangxi. The heaviest hour rainfall was 92mm, the heaviest rainfall for 48 hours was 503.9mm. The storms developed in the southwest warm moist wind and moved rightly. The radar reflectivity displayed several bow echoes moving from west to east along the 850hPa shear line. A line echo wave pattern developed. At 2.4°elevation angle, the maximum radar reflectivity of supercell reached 69dBz. The cross section of reflectivity showed that the 40dBz reflectivity core reached 9km in height, indicating a deep updraft. The radial velocity imagery showed with the mesocyclone features such as inverse wind area, the positive and negative velocity pairs. The VAD profile showed the deep warm-wet layer before the storm occurred. The 12m/s southwest wind reached 8km in depth. About 2 hours before the rainstorm, the VAD profile showed double dry region. When the double dry region appeared half hour later, the first rainstorm occurred. The numerical simulation analysis results indicated that the high precipitation multi-cell storms was produced and moved along the vortex path.