We consider anĂnnonlinear reaction-diffusion system posed on a smooth bounded domain Ω of âN. This system models reversible chemical reactions. We act on the system throughmcontrols (1 â€m<n), localized in some arbitrary nonempty open subsetÏof the domainΩ. We prove the local exact controllability to nonnegative (constant) stationary states in any timeT> 0. A specificity of this control system is the existence of some invariant quantities in the nonlinear dynamics that prevents controllability from happening in the whole spaceLâ(Ω)n. The proof relies on several ingredients. First, an adequate affine change of variables transforms the system into a cascade system with second order coupling terms. Secondly, we establish a new null-controllability result for the linearized system thanks to a spectral inequality for finite sums of eigenfunctions of the Neumann Laplacian operator, due to David Jerison, Gilles Lebeau and Luc Robbiano and precise observability inequalities for a family of finite dimensional systems. Thirdly, the source term method, introduced by Yuning Liu, TakĂ©o Takahashi and Marius Tucsnak, is revisited in aLâ-context. Finally, an appropriate inverse mapping theorem in suitable spaces enables to go back to the nonlinear reaction-diffusion system.