Minimally invasive dentistry is being widely practiced. The center stone is to be as conservative as possible to minimize unnecessary removal of healthy tooth structure. In prosthodontics the patients have generalized and combined nature of diseases. This narrative literature review analyzed available evidence on minimally invasive treatment protocols in fixed prosthodontics and raised awareness on the importance of longevity of treatments and secondary prevention. The long-term clinical survival of ceramic and resin composite materials was reviewed. Loss of tooth vitality after prosthodontic treatment was also explored. And finally, treatment options for patients with severe wear were examined. The search of the literature resulted in evidence of superior survival of ceramic restorations over resin composites. The literature is also clear that ceramic partial coverage inlay and onlay restorations have excellent long-term clinical performance in posterior dentition. Glass ceramic lithium disilicate showed to be an adequate material not only for anterior but also for posterior dentition, including the patients with severe wear. Minimally invasive dentistry as applied in fixed prosthodontics needs updates in its concepts to account for secondary prevention and longevity of chosen treatment techniques. This narrative review article critically reviews available evidence on long-term clinical performance of minimally invasive and traditional treatment concepts and materials in fixed prosthodontics. Awareness is raised for secondary prevention and longevity of chosen treatments.
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