With the object of eliminating misleading discussions, I will state that it is not the purpose of this paper to consider the subject of puerperal infection, but to deal with one of the results, that is, intramural abscess of the uterus. Abscess occurs at the end of the second week or a little later, after the most acute symptoms of sepsis have passed. The cavity of the uterus, therefore, is apparently free from serious infection or debris. The temperature curve is septic and devoid of chills, unless complicated with thrombophlebitis. When the appendages are not involved, pelvic examination is negative, except in thin or relaxed abdominal walls. When the abscess is single, a rounded, slightly flattened outline may be felt on the surface of the uterus, which, to the sense of touch, feels something like a small, deeply-seated fibroid tumor, but is more elastic, and the outlines are not so