The menlnx of mature rabbits is constituted of dural, meningothelial and arachnoid layers. The meningothelial layer is composed of meningothelial basal cells and overlying subdural cells with curiously lobulated nuclei. Subdural cells contain numerous intracytoplasmic filaments and desmosome‐like structure, which are lacking in fibrocytes located just beneath the dura. The arachnoid layer shows a framework of the arachnoid cells, collagen bundles and vessels, and cisternae as a channel of cerebro‐spinal fluid are enclosed by the lacunar cell cords. The pia‐glial membrane separating the brain substance from the arachnoid is often complexly swirled together with the processes of marginal astrocytes.Subdural injection of Candida krussei produces suppurative and granulomatous foci, and the Intercellular spaces tend to be dilated by a retention of oedema fluid, blood or exudate. Intraarachnoid injection of the organisms also produces acute and chronic inflammatory changes, and the dissociation of lacunar cell cords at the desmosome‐like attachment may result in a widening and dilatation of the spaces. The meningothelial lining and pia‐glial membrane are considered to be a sort of barrier to protect the underlying tissue from various pathological changes.