The method used earlier for analysis of correlated nanoscopic systems is extended to infinite (periodic) s-band-like systems described by the Hubbard model. The optimized single-particle Wannier wave functions contained in the parameters of the extended Hubbard model (in the nearest-neghbor hopping (-t), in the magnitude of the intraatomic interaction U, and in other parameters) are determined explicitly in the correlated state for the electronic systems of various symmetries and dimensions: Hubbard chain, square and triangular planar lattices, and the three cubic lattices (SC, BCC, FCC). In effect, the evolution of the electronic properties as a function of interatomic distance R is obtained. The model parameters in most cases do not scale linearly with the lattice spacing and hence, their solution as a function of microscopic parameters reflects only qualitatively the system evolution. Also, the atomic energy changes with R and therefore should be included in the model analysis. The solutions in one dimension (D = 1) can be analyzed both rigorously (by making use of the Lieb–Wu solution) and compared with the approximate Gutzwiller treatments. In higher dimensions (D = 2 and 3) only the latter approach is possible to implement within the scheme. The renormalized single particle wave functions are almost independent of the choice of the scheme selected to diagonalize the Hamiltonian in the Fock space in D = 1 case. For dimensions D > 1 the qualitative behavior is independent of the structure considered. The wave-function size increases above the Mott-Hubbard localization threshold and gradually reaches the atomic limit value. The method can be extended to other approximation schemes, as stressed at the end.
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