The article raises necessary issue of implementation system reducing shyness by future psychological students as a necessary prerequisite for training and professional development future specialists. Psychocorrective work for shy students (future psychologists) involves conducting psychosocial training "Reducing shyness of future psychologists", which is aimed at optimizing structural components (cognitive, affective, behavioral). The article focuses on the psychocorrection personal formations of behavioral shyness component: introversion, which was studied by using the K.G. Jung questionnaire; subordinate type of behavior, which was studied by using T. Leary's method of diagnosing interpersonal relations. The relationship between the type of attitude towards others and the shyness levels by future psychologists is presented; identified introverts, amboverts, extroverts among students with different shyness levels (high, medium, low). The theoretical and methodological basis formative experiment was analyzed: person-oriented (principles of empathy, positive and non-valuable attitude), behavioral (production and consolidation of new behavior ways, expansion range behavioral actions, elimination or change erroneous forms behavior), cognitive approaches (work with intolerant beliefs). The formation behavioral practices is presented by cognitive-behavioral praxis social courage focusing on practicing skills behaving in crowd, correctly conveying information (verbally, non-verbally), convincing, attracting attention, recognizing danger; training on the formation of leadership coping strategies aimed at the formation of effective strategies for solving difficult life situations, finding ways of emotional support, developing emotional stability.
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