ABSTRACT This study aimed to describe Effect of Concept Training Patriotism against Morality Students at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta, (2) whether there are Influence Learning Environment in Schools about the morality of students in SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta, and(3) whether there are simultaneously influence Patriotism Level concept Training and Learning Environment to Morality Students in Learning Citizenship Education at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta. This research is a quantitative research. The instrument of this study using objective tests and questionnaires with interval measurement scale with Likert approach, if the data from this study using IBM SPSS program 21. The sample in this study is 10 x 3 variables studied (2 + 1 independent variable dependent variable) of the population. Data collection techniques of research using the technique of principal that comprehension tests and questionnaires, techniques of analysis in this study uses the classical assumption test consisting of test analysis of the distribution of the data, multicollinearity test, test Heteroskedesitas and Hypothesis Testing consists of Test The coefficient of determination (R2), Test F, and T test. The results showed that: (1) there is positive and significant level of understanding of the concept of patriotism against the morality of the students, the value of M statistics obtained t of 3.372 and p = 0.002. Because (3.372 2.051) and p 0.05, then H0 rejected and Ha accepted otherwise, (2) there is a positive and significant impact on the learning environment of the school to the student morality, values obtained t t statistic of 2.221 and p = 0.000. Because (2.221 2.051) and p 0.05, then H0 rejected and Ha accepted otherwise, and (3) there is a simultaneous effect between the level of understanding of the concept of patriotism and learning environment at school for morality SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta, the value of F statistic obtained Fhitung 18.407 and the value of p = 0.000. Because (16.724 3.385) and p 0.05, then H0 rejected and Ha accepted otherwise. Keywords. The Effect Of Understanding The Concept Of Patriotism, Learning Environment, Morality
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