Physical education is a subject in school that provides motion experience to students. In addition, it also received the mandate to develop the quality of the student movement through the physical activity (PA). The first motion quality that needs to be addressed is the quality of fundamental motor skills (FMS). Live Life Well at School (LLWS) is a special program to address the quality of FMS which was developed in New South Wales. This program was adopted in Indonesia and proved to have a significant impact on FMS. Nevertheless, further examination should be done on how the program is able to build a culture of active life by increasing the proportion PA up to an acceptable level. The research method used is quantitative descriptive. PA of students are identified through video analysis using duration and interval recording system. The results showed that: (1) the proportion of instructional time allocation is for giving instruction, the physical activity, and for management respectively, and (2) one-third of students following lesson on the physical activity at active and very active level. The LLWS can be adopted to provide a number of adequate movement experiences to students as well as improving their FMS.