Differentiating between recent LINE-1 (L1) insertion dimorphisms (LIDs) is predominantly useful for studying not only the transposition mechanism but also population genet-ics or evolution based on polymorphic markers where the ancestral state is known (i.e., absence of the insertion) (1–5). Previous techniques such as L1 display (1) or ATLAS (2) have identi-fied new LIDs from distinct popula-tions. To improve both efficiency and simplicity, we designed a PCR-based approach, LID identification by PCR (LIDSIP), by combining and modify-ing ligation-mediated PCR (LMPCR) (6) and interspersed repetitive sequence PCR (IRSPCR) (7). This method requires only a small amount of DNA, a limited and specific number of PCRs to provide a genome-wide scan within a PCR range of an appropriate restriction site, conventional molecular genetic techniques such as agarose gel elec-trophoresis devoid of radioactive label, and in addition, this method yields clear, easily distinguishable, specific results. The aim of applying LIDSIP was to globally map active L1 in the human genome by amplifying the 3′ untrans-lated region (UTR) end of the L1-Ta subset up to its next specific restric-tion enzyme recognition sequences. First, 500 ng human genomic DNA were digested with BstYI (New Eng-land Biolabs, Beverly, MA, USA) and purified with phenol-chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation. Second, the DNA was ligated to 20 pmol each of LIDSIP-LINK (5′-AGG-TAACGAGTCAGACCACCGACTC-GTGGACGT-3′) and BstYI-LINK (5′-GATCACGTCCACGAG-3′) using T4 DNA ligase (New England Biolabs) at 16°C overnight. Finally 50 ng of the purified ligated DNA were subjected to nested PCR. The first PCR (50 µL total volume) contained 200 µM each of the four dNTPs, 1× PCR buffer (contains 1.5 mM MgCl
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