IN 2011, UNDER THE LEADERSHIP of President Christine Price (2010 to 2011), the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ASPAN) developed a Digital Media Strategic Work Team (SWT). The ASPAN's operational strategic plan included proposals to provide enhanced member experiences and improved customer service using an expanding digital platform for educational opportunities and social networking possibilities. The Digital Media SWT was charged with exploring and recommending available technology for perianesthesia education and evaluating its impact on the overall strategic plan. During the course of query and discovery, the topic of responsible use related to social media and technology was raised. Many health care providers are using the finger-touch convenience of mobile applications for research, data processing, and clinical resourcing at the bedside. Through the Clinical Practice Committee, members have been seeking guidance concerning prudent use of digital technology for both personal and professional use. While the advantages of bedside access to immediate information and resources are undeniable, there remains temptation to cross from the academic to the recreational benefits of the same technology. The use of these applications during clinical care hours for personal use raises alarms with regards to patient and personal safety. This same topic has clearly caught the attention of a wide variety of specialty nursing organizations, many of whose members have struggled with balancing the benefits of electronic networks with the risks. In concert with the members of ASPAN's Standards and Guidelines SWT, this position statement was created, endorsed at the 2013 preconference Board of Directors meeting, and approved by the members of the Representative Assembly in Chicago. American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses: A Position Statement on Social Media and Perianesthesia PracticeASPAN's Digital Media and Standards and Guidelines Strategic Work TeamsTHE ASPAN HAS the responsibility for defining the principles of safe, quality nursing practice in the perianesthesia setting. This includes professional conduct that reflects an understanding and respect for the moral, ethical, and legal issues of perianesthesia practice. The ASPAN, therefore, sets forth this position to acknowledge the impact of social media on clinical practice, patient safety, and professional behaviors. BackgroundAn expanding array of devices (including but not limited to smartphones, tablets, readers, netbooks, notebooks, and laptop computers) and the enhanced ease of access to the Internet have dramatically changed the ability of professionals and consumers to communicate, socialize, and find/share information at incredible rates of speed across the continents. Numerous social media sites allow for the ready access and sharing of news, information (personal and professional), images, and other content. Several basic media types currently exist. These more common platforms include virtual group rooms for information sharing, picture and video sharing sites, e-mail and instant messaging, and virtual gaming. In addition to the benefits associated with access to the social media world, there are a number of disadvantages for health care providers. These include the potential for: •Breach of privacy and confidentiality standards, •Violation of professional boundaries, •Abuse and/or misuse of technology both personally and professionally, and •Questionable reliability of information sources from the Internet. PositionThe ASPAN is highly committed as an advocate for a culture of safety and to the principles of the Perianesthesia Standards for Ethical Practice in all perianesthesia practice settings, for the patient, the nurse, and the health care team. This commitment includes the impact of technology on perianesthesia practice. The ASPAN provides the following recommendations when considering the use of social media: 1.The privacy and confidentiality of patients will be maintained at all times. 2.Perianesthesia nurses shall avoid posting or commenting on any negative reflections of colleagues, employers, or clinical situations in a public social media forum. 3.Perianesthesia nurses will protect their personal information in public social media forums. 4.Perianesthesia nurses will know and endorse institutional policies and procedures related to social media. 5.Clinical leadership will provide mechanisms to report any observed breach. 6.Educational curriculum will support education, providing principles of professionalism, privacy, and confidentiality. 7.Consider the reliability of the source when using the Internet for medical information. 8.Perianesthesia nurses will refrain from using digital means of socializing during patient care and work hours. Expected OutcomesThe ASPAN recognizes the added value that digital and social media brings to perianesthesia practice and the consequences that improper use of digital and social media can raise. Creating and maintaining a healthy work environment and relationship to digital and social media are essential priorities for perianesthesia nurses. Approval of StatementThis statement was recommended by a vote of the ASPAN Board of Directors on April 13, 2013, and approved by a vote of the ASPAN Representative Assembly on April 14, 2013, in Chicago, IL. Theresa L. Clifford, MSN, RN, CPAN, is a Clinical Resource Nurse, Mercy Hospital, Portland, ME, and a Former President of American Society of Perianesthesia Nurses from 2009 to 2010