The eighth International Meeting of Technological Innovation (8th IMTI) is the result of the effort and dedication of researchers, research groups, research and extension division, and academic programs from the engineering faculty of the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Ocaña, Colombia, The 8th IMTI was held on October 6-8, 2021, in Ocaña, Colombia, and has been creatively designed with the purpose of allowing the best possible experience of knowledge exchange for all speakers and participants; besides, from the interaction by means of a discussion forum for the academic and scientific community to contribute with the effective knowledge transferThe 8th IMTI has been highlighted and consolidated as a space where students, teachers, and professionals develop a permanent reflection on research trends and occupations in engineering. This annual meeting allows academic programs in engineering, architecture, urban planning, and related, to find new elements to incorporate into the academy life and thus be updated with the recent advances and last technologies. Therefore, the organizing committee to thank the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander (UFPS), and the Foundation of Researchers in Materials Science and Technology (FORISTOM), for all the support academic and scientific received.In the same way, are extremely thankful to all authors and participants for providing their valuable contributions for this proceeding as well as the reviewers for their constructive recommendations and criticism aiding to improve the presented articles in this volume of proceedings. Likewise, we hope you enjoy the reading of this volume of the Journal of Physics Conference Series (JPCS), IOP Publishing, and that these manuscripts contribute to the generation and transfer of knowledge, as well as to the strengthening of research in Colombia.Consequently, the articles of this volume refer to general topics of physical and mathematical applied to sciences, engineering, technology, and innovation that were addressed in the 8th IMTI; for this reason, the editor hopes that those interested in the area of research, technology, and innovation in sciences and engineering can enjoy this reading, of the volume of the Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), which reflects a wide variety of current issues, that contributes to the generation and transfer of knowledge, as well as to the strengthening of research in science and engineering in Colombia.“Education and expression freedom for anyone”.List of Organizing Committee,National Committees,International Committee,Sponsor,Partners are available in this pdf.