This Issue sees the inauguration of The British Journal of Criminology’s new subtitle: An International Review of Crime and Society. There are two main reasons for the addition of a subtitle. First, The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, the Editors and the Editorial Board are agreed that, although it is desirable to retain the main title of a Journal which has gone from strength to strength during its long history, nowadays the Journal’s title should also reflect the increasingly international nature of its contents. Secondly, we thought that while we are adding a subtitle which will emphasise the Journal’s internationalism, we should also take the opportunity to remind potential contributors that the Journal welcomes submissions from a variety of perspectives focusing on crime and society; and especially articles written from sociological, historical, philosophical, geographical, psychological, jurisprudential, cultural, political or policy standpoints. The interests of the extensive Editorial and International Advisory Boards are catholic, neither narrowly ideological nor limited to rigid conceptions of what criminology either should be, or is currently, about. The two main criteria according to which articles submitted for publication will continue to be assessed are: the degree to which the article contributes new knowledge to an understanding of crime and society; the overall quality of the argument and its presentation.