The structural properties of liquid GeSe(2) have been calculated by first-principles molecular dynamics by using a periodic simulation box containing N = 480 atoms. This has allowed a comparison with previous results obtained on a smaller system size (N = 120) [M. Micoulaut, R. Vuilleumier, and C. Massobrio, Phys. Rev. B 79, 214205 (2009)]. In the domain of first-principles molecular dynamics, we obtain an assessment of system size effects of unprecedented quality. Overall, no drastic differences are found between the two sets of results, confirming that N = 120 is a suitable size to achieve a realistic description of this prototypical disordered network. However, for N = 480, short range properties are characterized by an increase of chemical order, the number of Ge tetrahedra coordinated to four Se atoms being larger. At the intermediate range order level, size effect mostly modify the low wavevector region (k ~1 Å(-1)) in the concentration-concentration partial structure factor.