Handbook for Conducting Drug Abuse Research with Hispanic Populations, by Robert C. Freeman, Yvonne P. Lewis, and Hector Manuel Colon (Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002), 368 pp., $72 (cloth only).One of the primary goals of drug abuse research is to predict outcomes such as addiction while controlling for or group differences. The identification of risk and protective attracts much scientific attention, and one assumes that ultimately this knowledge improves prevention and treatment efforts. The investigation of drug abuse among Latinos requires an especially nuanced conceptual and methodological framework that appropriately models a number of dimensions that determine within- and between-group variation. Drug type, socioeconomic status, educational attainment, Englishlanguage proficiency, national origin, race, gender, characteristics, and level may all be determinants of drug abuse among Hispanics.Acculturation is the level of cultural or incorporation of an to a foreign or receiving society; it is central to many studies of drug abuse among Latinos. The experience of transitioning into a new culture may lead to acculturation stress: social and psychological associated with the challenges of immigration, such as lower socioeconomic status, new social expectations, loss of ethnic identity, and intergenerational conflict. Acculturation influences socialization, social support networks, and protective factors.To contend with issues of demographic diversity and acculturation, drug abuse research with Latinos inevitably must utilize multilevel models that can account for personallevel (i.e., behavior, biology and neurobiology) and also include cultural and environmental that may lead to systematic differences (e.g., socioeconomic status).One of the most sophisticated models of how cultural adaptation influences drug abuse, and health behavior in general, can be found in the work of Vega and Gil (1999). This model seeks to account for observed differences in health outcomes between native-born adolescents and immigrant Hispanic adolescents. The model sorts factors into five categories: context of exit, accounting for the family's developmental stage and circumstances prior to exit; immigration experience, concerning the family's circumstances encountered upon exit and entrance; acculturation process and acculturation stress as experienced by the parents and children, and influenced by each member's level of assimilation; segmented assimilation of members into the local environment-for example, local housing and labor markets and school systems; and family stress resulting from loss of traditional customs, stress, and changing roles.De La Rosa (2002) also developed a model that accounts for the influence of on adolescent drug behavior. The outcomes in the model are alcohol, cigarette, and illicit substance abuse. It centers on a typology of cultural identity that contrasts the relative weight Latino and cultural influences might have on a Hispanic youth. adolescents can have a cultural identity that is Latino-low American, Latino-high American, high Latino-low American, or high Latino-high American. The model includes a host of mitigating factors that determine the level of acculturation stress experienced by Hispanic adolescents. These mitigating influences are individual factors and characteristics (for example, skin color, tolerance for change, and previous contact with American culture); family factors, including economic conditions and members' previous contact with American culture; and the community environment, which is affected by school conditions, economic opportunities, crime level, and cultural orientation. The responses to and the degree of coping with it are determined by the family of parent-child bonding and dysfunction; personality variables of low selfesteem, aggressive behavior, and anxiety; and peer factors, in particular the association with either deviant or nondeviant peers. …
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