the purpose of our research is: to develop (by the type of speech reaction) four types of transformation utterances of facilitative interaction at lessons, which depend on the processes of internal interference and conceptual correla-tion of the definition “facilitative learning as the basis of the humanization of edu cation”; to organize the pilot research of facilitative interaction of pupils at the English lesson (form 5A, 42 pupils, school No 12, Rivne) during 20202021 years.methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the re-search were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systemati-zation, modeling, and generalization. Also in our research we used the empirical method of the pilot experiment.the results of the research. In order to test our hypothesis about facilitative activity of pupils, its productivity or nonproductivity, we compared the results of respondents’ cognitive activities when they worked alone and in the case of the implementation of facilitative activity in the presence of observers. It is proved that these two indicators were correlated again after some training (when cog-nitive activity was performed several times). While testing our hypothesis, it was found the most accurate physiological indicator to register changes in the level of arousal of the personality. A similar research was organized the next month. In this research, pupils performed appropriate tasks to actualize psychomotor skills in the presence of observers. The results showed that the presence of ten passive observers during the mastery of a highly complex of mental and psycho-motor skill worsened the activity of respondents significantly at the beginning of the empirical study compared to training alone. conclusions. It was proved, that C. Rogers’ ideas on the importance of the process of facilitative learning, the role of the teacher, his/her facilitative rela-tionships with pupils were the basis for the humanization of education abroad, and the main empirical research was provided in the 6070’s. The results of the facilitation training, which involved thousands of teachers and tens of thousands of primary, secondary and college schoolchildren in England and the United States, suggested that pupils’ personal development had also been improved: their self esteem had been improved, cognitive abilities had been developed, which facilitated the improvement of physical and mental health, performance and the activity of schoolchildren.C. Rogers’ humanistic ideas, which contribute to the growth of educational potential, are especially important for the democratization of the Ukrainian school and our society. In the theory of C. Rogers we often see implied system of certain ideas about a man and his/her essence, or a special method of psy-chotherapy, or just a set of carefully designed techniques for correcting interper-sonal relationships.
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