particles were prepared using avian egg membrane as a template at 800 °C. The preparedmaterials were subjected to XRD, SEM, TEM and Raman spectroscopic studies. Cyclic voltammetry studyshows a single step oxidation and reduction process. Electrochemical lithium insertion behavior of thematerials was examined in coin cells of the 2032 configuration. The material showed a discharge capacity 600mAh/g even after 20 cycles. Key Words: Oxides, Nanostructures, Electron microscopy, Electrochemical propertiesIntroductionThe evolution of lithium-ion batteries can be traced toproblems associated with the use of metallic lithium inrechargeable lithium batteries. Although graphite is the mostpopular anode material in lithium-ion batteries, with aspecific capacity of only 372 mAh/g, it fares poorly com-pared to metallic lithium with a specific capacity of 3862mAh/g. Thus, great efforts are being made towards develop-ment of a variety of other anode materials such as lithium-alloying metals, electro-active polymers and silicon. Researchin such high-capacity anode materials is driven by demand-ing power requirements in emerging applications as inelectric vehicles. Conventional wisdom on electrochemicalinsertion reactions in lithium-ion batteries requires electro-nically conducting electrode materials with crystallographicvoids that can support lithium diffusion. In that sense,interstitial-free 3d-metal oxide structures are consideredunsuitable for intercalation chemistry. Recently, however,there has been a spurt in papers reporting the use of severaloxides, oxysalts, nitrides, fluorides, phosphides, sulphidesand borides as anode materials for lithium-ion batterychemistry.