To investigate the interannual evolution of air pollution in summer and the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on local pollution in Chengdu, China, single aerosol particles were continuously measured in three summer periods: the regular period in 2020 (RP2020); the regular period in 2022 (RP2022); and the lockdown period in 2022 (LP2022). It was found that, from RP2020 to RP2022, the mass concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, SO2 and NO2 decreased by 25.6 %, 24.7 %, 28.8 % and 38.5 %, respectively, while the concentration of O3 increased by 11.0 %. Affected by regional transport, there was no significant decrease in the concentrations of various pollutants during LP2022. All single aerosol particles could be classified into seven categories: vehicle emissions (VE), dust, biomass burning (BB), coal combustion (CC), K mixed with sulfate (KSO4), K mixed with nitrate (KNO3) and K mixed with sulfate and nitrate (KSN) particles. From RP2020 to RP2022, the contributions of BB and CC particles decreased by 12.1 % and 0.9 %, respectively, while VE and dust particles increased by 3.6 % and 2.5 %, respectively; and compared to RP2022, the contributions of VE, dust and CC particles in LP2022 decreased by 22.2 %, 11.0 % and 12.7 %, respectively. The high PM2.5 pollution events in RP2020 and RP2022 were mainly caused by combustion sources (BB and CC, 51.6 %) and VE (38.3 %) particles, respectively, while the pollution event in LP2022 was contributed by BB (27.0 %) and secondary inorganic (KSO4, KNO3 and KSN, 60.2 %) particles. The formation mechanisms of different pollution events were further validated by WRF-Chem results. Although the potential source areas of particles showed a shrinking trend from RP2020 to RP2022, regional transport still caused high PM2.5 pollution events during LP2022. Photochemical processes dominated the formation of KSO4 particles, while the KNO3 and KSN particles were mainly generated by liquid-phase reactions, and this effect increased year by year.
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