We investigate local persistence in five different models and their variants in the directed Ising (DI) universality class in one dimension. These models have right-left symmetry. We study Grassberger's models A and B. We also study branching and annihilating random walks with two offspring: the nonequilibrium kinetic Ising model and the interacting monomer-dimer model. Grassberger's models are updated in parallel. This is not the case in other models. We find that the local persistence exponent in all these models is unity or very close to it. A change in the mode of the update does not change the exponent unless the universality class changes. In general, persistence exponents are not universal. Thus it is of interest that the persistence exponent in a range of models in the DI class is the same. Excellent scaling behavior of finite-size scaling is obtained using exponents in the DI class in all models. We also study off-critical scaling in some models and DI exponents yield excellent scaling behavior. We further study graded persistence, which shows similar behavior. However, for a logistic map with delay, which also has the transition in the DI class, there is no transition from nonzero to zero persistence at the critical point. Thus the accompanying transition in persistence and universality of the persistence exponent hold when the underlying model has right-left symmetry.
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