One of the most fruitful approaches to theoretical physics is to postulate a group of symmetries and ask which physical meaningful structures it leaves invariant . In the present state of the physics of fundamental interactions, three different kinds of symmetries are of particular interest: The general group of space-time co-ordinate transformations associated with gravitation, internal local gauge symmetries associated with gauge theories of electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions, and supersymmetry (Fermi-Bose symmetry) which opens up the possibility of treating bosons and fermions on equal footing. I t is accordingly of great interest to investigate whether these symmetries in a natural manner can be regarded as parts of a single symmetry group, and if so, to find the corresponding invar iant physical theory. As it is well known, this question has been considered within the framework of superficial theory (~), and ~NATlt, ARNOWITT and ZUMINO (2.4) in particular, have suggested interesting geometrical models. In the following we shall consider a generalized non-Riemannian formalism which differs from the models proposed by these authors, and discuss its possible physical significance. We consider an 8-dimensional superspace J labelled by co-ordinates Z ~ = (x~, 0~), where p, r . . . . 0, ..., 3 label the space-time co-ordinates x (commuting Bose-co-ordinates) and a, fl . . . . l, ..., 4 label the ant icommuting Fermi-co-ordinates 0. Such a space forms a Grassmann algebra with even elements x and odd elements 0, generated by three ant icommuting variables w~, w2, w a. Consider an arbitrary contravariant vector field V A transforming under a co-ordinate transformation Z-~ Z like