As technology advances, microprocessors that integrate multiple cores on a single chip are becoming increasingly common. How to use these processors to improve the performance of a single program has been a challenge. For general-purpose applications, it is especially difficult to create efficient parallel execution due to the complex control flow and ambiguous data dependences. Thread-level speculation and transactional memory provide two hardware mechanisms that are able to optimistically parallelize potentially dependent threads. However, a compiler that performs detailed performance trade-off analysis is essential for generating efficient parallel programs for these hardwares. This compiler must be able to take into consideration the cost of intra-thread as well as inter-thread value communication. On the other hand, the ubiquitous existence of complex, input-dependent control flow and data dependence patterns in general-purpose applications makes it impossible to have one technique optimize all program patterns. In this paper, we propose three optimization techniques to improve the thread performance: (i) scheduling instruction and generating recovery code to reduce the critical forwarding path introduced by synchronizing memory resident values; (ii) identifying reduction variables and transforming the code the minimize the serializing execution; and (iii) dynamically merging consecutive iterations of a loop to avoid stalls due to unbalanced workload. Detailed evaluation of the proposed mechanism shows that each optimization technique improves a subset but none improve all of the SPEC2000 benchmarks. On average, the proposed optimizations improve the performance by 7% for the set of the SPEC2000 benchmarks that have already been optimized for register-resident value communication.
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