Introduction: Recently, there is increasing science internationalization in the applications of the intersphincteric resections with rectal cancer patients. The purpose of this study was to analyze some features of the international popularization of research devoted to this relatively new topic of true medical significance. Methods: A retrospective problem-oriented search was carried out in February, 2014, in Web of Science (WoS) and MEDLINE (Thomson Reuters, USA) as well as in Scopus (Elsevier, the Netherlands). The period from 1988 till 2013 was assessed. The following scientometric parameters were comparatively studied: number of abstracted publications; names and countries of authors; languages and types of primary documents; titles of journals and number of articles in them, and nominations and countries of authors' institutions. Selected citation data in WoS were retrieved, too. Results: In WoS, there were 274 papers by authors from 32 countries, in Scopus - 201 papers by authors from 26 countries, and in MEDLINE - 183 papers. Most papers were abstracted in the last three years (109 in WoS, 75 in Scopus and 66 in MEDLINE). Between 1990 and 1999, only 17 papers were abstracted in WoS, 15 - in Scopus, and 18 - in MEDLINE. Primary publications were in 9 languages in WoS and in Scopus each in 8 languages - in MEDLINE. Original articles prevailed followed by reviews, letters-to-the-editor and conference papers. In MEDLINE, there were 176 original articles, 20 reviews, 11 evaluation studies, 10 case reports, three multicenter studies, two randomized controlled trials, one meta-analysis, six letters-to-the-editor, one editorial, etc. E. Rullier, N. Saito and M. Ito presented with most publications in this narrow field. The journal Dis. Colon Rectum contained most papers abstracted in these data-bases followed by Colorectal Dis. Next came some other prestigious journals such as Ann. Surg. and Ann. Surg. Oncol. in WOS as well as Br. J. Surg. and Surg. Endosc. - in Scopus. The authors from Japan occupied the leading position followed by those from France, Germany, South Korea and the USA. The scientists at the National Cancer Center Hospital East (Kashiwa, Japan) were most productive during this period. The papers abstracted in WoS received 3105 citations of which, 1911 were without self-citations. There were 1475 citing articles, of which 1276 were without self-citations. Average citations per item were 11.33, average citations per year were 147.86, and h-index was 29. Some 184 articles (out of 274) were cited at least once. The paper by E. Rullier et al. (Ann Surg., 241, 2005, No 3, 465-469) already received 158 citations in WoS. Of them, 526 citations were from papers published in 2013 and 55 ones - from those published between January 1 and February 28, 2014. Conclusion: Our results convincingly demonstrated a rising international visibility of scientists from smaller countries on the information market due to the fruitful international collaboration. The purposeful application of this constellation of scientometric indicators in rapidly advancing field could contribute to further improvement of this integration.