Analyzed are the data of the epizootiologic survey of plague enzootic territories in Russia in 2013. Evaluated are the numbers of major carriers and vectors as well as the epizootic activity of natural foci of different types. Analysis of preconditions for decrease of epizootic potential of plague natural foci of Caucasus, Altai and Tyva is carried out. Single findings of infected fleas are registered at the sites of steady focality in the territory of Pre-Caspian lowland. Forecast of epizootic situation for 2014 is presented. Marked is raising probability that Volga-Ural sandy and Central Caucasian high-mountain plague foci would get out of the inter-epizootic period state. Substantiated are the possibility of plague epizootics continuation and their intensity in Pre-Caspian sandy, Altai and Tyva mountain, and Eastern-Caucasus high-mountain plague natural foci.
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