Bacteria form an intense portion of reading and learning for students enrolled in microbiology education. As a part of the foundational course outline of bacteriology, bacterial classification is a significant topic of discussion. The purpose of our study was to analyze whether bacterial classification can be taught with a phylogenetic tree approach that might be more engaging and beneficial to student learners of microbiology. This methodology is unique compared to the conventional approach applied in introductory lectures of bacteriology that relies on morphology and Gram-staining to classify bacteria. The participants of this study were students enrolled in a two-semester medical school bridge program that offers a Master's degree in Pre-clinical Sciences. We presented bacterial origin and classification in the light of evolution and used a phylogenetic tree to signify clinically relevant groups of bacteria. Students were also taught the traditional bacterial classification using Gram stains and morphology. Both methods of classification were delivered in a didactic classroom session considering equal time spent and utilizing the same format. An online survey was distributed to the students after the session to collect their feedback. The results from the survey showed that 74% of participants would prefer learning bacterial classification using a combined approach that includes both Gram-staining and morphology as well as the phylogenetic tree. When asked if the study of bacterial classification through an evolutionary tree diagram is a clear and concise way of understanding bacteria, 79% of the students either agreed or strongly agreed with this statement. Interestingly, the alternative phylogenetic tree approach was considered more engaging and regarded as a means to expand the clinical knowledge of bacteria by 78% and 71% of the students, respectively. Overall, our study strongly supports the use of tree-based classification as an additional method to improve the learning of medically important groups of bacteria at varying levels of education.
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