The Preston's equation which was known as the governing equation of the polishing results in CMP process is caused by the wafer pressure and velocity. It is very important for the pressure and velocity to examine the fundamental characteristics which have effects on the polishing results. In this study, the intelligent pad which can measure the pressure distribution delivered to the wafer by the independent change of the pressure and velocity in real-time was used. The intelligent pad has sheet shape of embedded pressure sensor and functions of pressure signal processing, saving and transmitting in real-time. The average and the deviation of pressure signals were calculated by extracting the signal value from the measured pressure distribution, and the quantitative analysis was conducted by using the full width at half maximum (FWHM) value of the probability density function. The suitability of pressure signal was confirmed by polishing the oxide wafer in the same experiment conditions. So, the average and deviation of the pressure signal value correspond with the material removal rate (MRR) and non-uniformity of the polishing result. In conclusion, the intelligent pad system will be a good monitoring tool to understand various phenomena in CMP process.
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